Chiropractic Use of Laser Therpay
Laser Therapy is a natural and effective treatment for your pain. It uses the body’s own natural healing systems to relieve pain, increase joint mobility, increase tissue integrity and promote cell regeneration.
What Conditions Can Laser Therapy Treat?
- Whiplash
- Knee pain
- Frozen Shoulder
- Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow
- Runner’s Knee
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Sciatica
- Osteoarthritis
- Achilles Tendonitis
- Sprains and strains
Advantages of Laser Therapy
- Non-toxic
- Non-Invasive
- Easy to Apply
- No Pain
- Reduces Need for surgery
- Most effective modality available

How Does Laser Therapy work?
State of the art laser biostimulation works by supplying energy to the body in the form of billions of photons of light. The body absorbs this laser light on a cellular level and transforms it into chemical energy, which the body then uses to commence its own tissue repairs. The biostimulating effect of laser therapy causes a decrease in inflammation and pain and an increase in tissue regeneration and healing.
Do Lasers Burn?
No, there are two general types of medical lasers: high power lasers which cut through tissue and lower power lasers such as Theralase lasers which stimulate tissue repair
How Long Does Laser Therapy Take?
Treatment time will vary from as little as 2 minutes to as long as 20 minutes. The total number of treatments required varies between 5 to 25 depending on the body’s natural healing rate and the severity of the condition.
Physiological Effects of Laser Therapy
- Reduces the formation of scar tissue following tissue damage from: cuts, scratches, burns or post-surgery.
- Reduces swelling caused by bruising or inflammation of joints to give enhanced joint mobility.
- Increases nutrient delivery to damaged tissue through increased blood flow.
- Accelerates cellular reproduction and growth.
- Produces a higher output of specific enzymes and greater oxygen for blood cells and thus a greater blood supply at the site.
- Improves lymphatic drainage is improved.
- Increases histamine response.
- Increases production of Growth Hormone.