Hypervolt Vibration Therapy

How To Relax Your Mind & Muscles
How to Relax Your Mind and Muscles. 5 Simple Techniques Achieving a state of total relaxation should involve the body and the mind simultaneously. While certain therapies target either one or the other, there are a few techniques you can try to achieve the full effect. In this article, we will discuss the top five … Continued

Posture and Mood
Have you ever noticed that when you’re feeling less than stellar, say, perhaps a little bit stressed or depressed about something, you tend to hunch down with shoulders rolled inward? This posture generally signifies that your body is in protection mode. But something you may not have noticed, is that even if you’re not experiencing … Continued

Exercises and Stretches to Prevent and Help Hip Pain
As we get older, many of us will experience some type of hip pain. Beyond the traumatic falls that can cause hip fractures (especially in the elderly), hip pain can be caused by a number of things: sitting, arthritis or bursitis, back problems, poor posture, etc. The hips are designed to bear a lot of … Continued